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Canada Express Entry

What is Canada Express Entry Program?

Launched on January 1st, 2015, Canada Express Entry Program turned out to be one of the biggest and main drivers for economic immigration to Canada. Also, the program is now ranked as being one of the most popular programs that are being used globally by immigrants. Each year, the system attracts a large number of applications. It has enabled lots of families and individuals to immigrate from different countries without much delay as the whole process is completed within a few months. This new program made new improvements to Canadian Immigration Process:

▶ Fast processing time

▶ Selecting applicants from a wide variety of fields

▶ Focusing on a better quality of applications.

How can I apply for Express Entry?

Applying to Express Entry is a two-step process. The first step is to submit your profile which requires the following documents:

  1. Language test results
  2. Educational credential assessment report
  3. A passport or travel document

After you submit your profile and you receive an invitation to apply for Canadian permanent residence, you will need to provide a more substantial application that includes reference letters, additional identity documents, police clearance certificates, and results of a medical examination.

Who is eligible for Express Entry?

Candidates with university or college degrees with skilled work experience and moderate proficiency in English and/or French are ideal candidates. Candidates who qualify for the following programs are also eligible to submit an application under the Express Entry program:

  • Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)
  • Federal Skilled Trades (FST)
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

The easiest way to find out if your eligible is to use our free assessment.

What are the requirements for Express Entry?

In general, to be eligible to apply to Express Entry as a skilled worker, you must:

  • Have at least one year, in the last 10 years, of continuous full-time (or equivalent part-time) work experience in a skilled occupation
  • Be able to demonstrate on an approved language test a minimum of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) seven in either English or French
  • Completed post-secondary education that is assessed against Canadian standards with an Educational Credential Assessment

These are the minimum requirements to apply to Express Entry as a skilled worker. Meeting these requirements doesn’t mean you will receive an invitation to apply for Canadian permanent residence. Candidates with stronger profiles will always be selected over candidates that simply meet the minimum requirement. 

What is the ideal Express Entry candidate?

There is no one-size-fits-all type of profile that is eligible for Express Entry. Candidates who enter the pool receive a comprehensive ranking system (CRS) score. Those who rank higher, are more likely to receive an invitation to apply. Selection factors that can influence your CRS score are language proficiency, your age, your level of work experience, education, and Canadian connections. 

Ideal Express Entry candidates would meet the following requirements:

  • Be under 30 years old 
  • Hold at least two Bachelor’s degrees or a Master’s degree 
  • Be able to demonstrate moderate to high English and/or French language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark [CLB] level nine or higher)
  • Have at least three years of skilled work experience

Other factors that can really boost your CRS score can include:

  • Higher language proficiency in English and/or French
  • Bilingualism in French and English
  • A Master’s degree or Ph.D. education
  • Canadian work or educational experience
  • A Canadian brother or sister currently residing in Canada
  • An arranged employment offer from a Canadian company 
  • A nomination from a provincial nominee program

How much does Express Entry cost?

  1. Language tests: Average cost – $300
  2. Educational Credential Assessment (ECA): Average cost – $200
  3. Biometrics: $85/person
  4. Government fees: $1,325/adult & $225/child
  5. Medical examination fees: average cost – $450/adult & $250/child
  6. Police clearance certificates: average cost – $100/country

No government fees are required to submit your initial Express Entry profile. The fees are only requested when you are invited to apply for Canadian permanent residence. In addition to the government processing fees, provincial immigration fees may be required if you are nominated for a PNP program. 

You should also be aware that unless you are applying under the Canadian Experience Class program or have a valid arranged employment offer, you will need to demonstrate you have sufficient funds to support your resettlement in Canada. These settlement funds are not fees paid to the government but you must have access to them in order to be approved for a permanent residence visa. The amounts per family size are mentioned in the table below:

Number of Family Members

Funds Required















For each additional family member


Do I need a job offer for Express Entry?

You do not require a job offer for Express Entry. The vast majority of candidates selected for Express Entry do not have a formal Canadian job offer.

A formal Canadian job offer for a skilled, full-time position can add 50 to 200 points to your Express Entry application. Almost always, a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is required for these points to be awarded.  

An informal job offer will not award any additional points to your Express Entry profile and should not be mentioned in the application.

How long does Express Entry take?

Express Entry can take as little as six months to process, from submission of the Express Entry profile to the issuance of a permanent resident visa. However, not all cases will proceed this quickly. Your Express Entry profile will remain active in the pool of candidates for 12 months if you are not invited to apply. If after 12 months you have not been selected, you are welcome to resubmit your profile and remain in the pool. To break it down further:

  • Your profile will remain valid for 12 months in the Express Entry pool 
  • Upon issuance of the ITA, you will have 60 days to provide the requested full application of documents
  • Once the immigration authorities have received your complete application, your permanent resident visa should be processed in six months or less

What’s better: PNP or Express Entry?

There is no simple answer to this question but there are some things to consider. Most PNPs require an applicant to have an Express Entry profile. Since an Express Entry profile is free to submit, you don’t stand to lose anything by creating one. 

The other thing to consider is that the majority of PNP programs require an applicant to have a specific connection to the region. If you are working or studying in a Canadian province, considering a PNP program is advisable. If you do not have any specific connections to a place in Canada, the more general Express Entry pathway to Canadian permanent residence is probably your best option. 

The best way to determine whether a PNP or Express Entry is better for you is to complete our free assessment.

Can I apply for Express Entry and PNP at the same time?

There are two different types of Provincial Nominee Programs: ‘Base’ and ‘Enhanced’. Base PNPs operate outside of the Express Entry system and are subject to the standard PNP processing time. Enhanced PNPs require an Express Entry profile. Candidates who receive a nomination under an Express Entry-aligned, or Enhanced, PNP will receive an additional 600 points toward their CRS score. These additional points essentially guarantee an Invitation to Apply (ITA) through the subsequent draw in the Express Entry pool. The processing time for an Express Entry application is approximately 6-months, typically much faster than Base PNP applications.

Will the CRS score go down?

A person’s chances of success through any of the Express Entry programs depends on their Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. If a candidate is close to, or above, the minimum CRS score cut-off for recent Express Entry draws, then they will likely be competitive in the Express Entry system. That said, it is impossible to predict how the CRS score will fluctuate in the future.

No lawyer or consultant can guarantee that a person will successfully receive permanent residence through the Express Entry system. The application process is lengthy, complex, and constantly changing, and approval is at the discretion of IRCC so there is always a risk that an applicant may not receive permanent residence.

There are several options for increasing a person’s CRS score. To learn more about such options, please consult with Anavrin.

How can I increase my CRS score?

There are many ways an applicant can increase their CRS score once in the Express Entry pool. CRS points are largely tied to the applicant’s language ability, education, work experience, and age. Additional points can also be claimed for having a sibling in Canada, speaking French at a high level, receiving a job offer in the country, or securing a nomination from a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).

Securing additional points from one of these factors can substantially increase one’s chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) in one of Canada’s upcoming Express Entry draws.

What is the maximum age for Express Entry?

There is no maximum age for Express Entry applicants. Applicants 20-29 receive the highest points for age. If you are significantly older than 35, but you have a high level of education or connections in Canada, these can easily overcome points lost for age.

Can I apply to Express Entry twice?

No, you cannot have two Express Entry applications for the same applicant at the same time. However, if you are married, you can submit an application under your spouse if they are eligible. Therefore one applicant cannot have multiple Express Entry profiles but you can have two profiles for the same family, in some circumstances.

If after 12 months you are not invited to apply, you can resubmit your profile and stay in the Express Entry pool for an additional 12 months. This can be repeated as many times as necessary.

How to fix mistakes in your Express Entry Profile

Express Entry uses a two-step system to manage the intake of immigrants:

  1. The Profile: Interested candidates create an Express Entry profile to show off their skills and experience. If they meet the eligibility requirements, they will be accepted into the Express Entry pool of candidates.
  2. The Application: The most competitive profiles from the Express Entry pool will be invited to apply for Canadian permanent residence.

When Can I Make Changes?

Good news, if you’ve submitted your Express Entry profile and you have not yet received an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence, then you’re in the clear to make changes! You can fix mistakes or even add new documents (for example, if you retake your IELTS exam and get a better score). But there are specific steps to follow. Here they are:

  1. Visit your Express Entry account welcome page. Next select the option that says, “What would you like to do today?”
  2. Next, head to the section that says, “View my submitted applications or profiles” and click on the button that reads “Check status and messages.”
  3. Near the bottom of the “Application/profile details” screen, you’ll see a button that says, “View submitted application.”
  4. Almost there, on the “Express Entry profile” page, hit the button that says, “Update form.” Make sure you select the appropriate section for modification.
  5. Make all the necessary changes (hopefully not too many), scroll to the bottom of the pages, then click “Save and exit.”
  6. All finished with your profile update? Look for the button that reads “Continue” near the bottom of the page. You’re now free to submit the newly modified version of your Express Entry profile. Pretty painless, right?

Quick reminder: Every time you enter a form and click on “Save and exit,” you’ll also notice a “Revert changes” button. It will be there even if no changes were made. Don’t panic. If you haven’t made any changes, hit the “Revert changes” button to make sure that the electronic system knows no changes were made.

Please note that if you make changes that affect your eligibility or your CRS score, the Express Entry system will update your profile to reflect these changes within 24 hours.

When Can’t I Make Changes

Now for the bad news—there are a few situations in which you cannot make changes to your profile.

1.  Your profile is ineligible

If your profile doesn’t meet the criteria for one of the Express Entry programs, it will be refused and you cannot update it. How do you know if you’ve been found ineligible? That’s easy. If you log onto your Express Entry profile and you only have the option to “View profile,” it means your profile has been reviewed and refused. The system will state that your profile was ineligible.

But don’t give up yet. You still have one option. You won’t be able to update your profile, but you can still submit a new profile. However, if you were considered not eligible based on your qualifications, you should probably wait until you’ve increased your eligibility before submitting another application. On your second application, be certain to enter and review all of the necessary information carefully to avoid any mistakes.

2.  Your profile has received an Invitation to Apply (ITA)

If your Express Entry profile receives an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence then all the information entered into the profile becomes locked in place. While you can technically amend the information when preparing your final application, you should try to avoid this. If you make any changes to your application which makes you ineligible, your application will be refused. As well, the immigration officer handling your file reserves the right to request more information about any discrepancies between the original profile and the final application.

A note on misrepresentation: Lying or providing false information on an immigration application is a serious offense. If a person is caught doing this they may be charged with misrepresentation, resulting in a 5-year ban from submitting any applications for Canadian immigration.

How can Anavrin Adviser help you apply for PR via Express Entry System?

The whole Canada immigration express entry process includes a lot of work and it’s important to understand every step. Seeking the help of an immigration expert like Anavrin Adviser will ensure that you are guided by the experts at every step. We can help you get familiar with the entire process. Right from filling up the application forms to improving your CRS score; our experts are always there to guide you during the process of applying for a Permanent Residency in Canada. Apart from this, you can also avail our professional services in order to help you meet the requirements.

If you choose to apply for Canadian PR express entry through Anavrin Adviser, you are assured of getting through assistance and help in meeting eligibility through the following ways:

  • Full guidance to meet the documentation requirements for the Canada FSW programs.
  • Providing guidance on Educational Credential Assessment.
  • Assist with the format of Canadian resume.
  • Will positively apply on behalf of the candidate at the Canada Job Bank.
  • Inform the clients with up to date PNP details.

For more information or to see if you qualify, please make an enquiry with one of our qualified and experienced Migration Consultants.

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